Accomplished Project Manager & Program Leader with 15 years of cross functional experience, equipped in Digital Product Management, development & delivery management, program strategy, governance & road mapping across domain like Industry 4.0 Solutions, Software Engineering, IT, Digital Transformation, Engineering and Manufacturing, with leading MNCs.
Delivered multi-million value products & solutions in IT & OT space with domain ranging from Industrial Controls, Manufacturing Execution System (MES), Digitalization with Advanced Analytics , IIOT, Digital Twin, and Custom built IT solutions, working hand in hand with Senior management, CXO’s & customers.
OIL & GAS: Turbines, Compressor, Warehouse Automation, Refrigeration/Chiller Unit, Burner Management System, Plant Automation, AHU, HVAC
Manufacturing/Commissioning: EO/EG , Gas Cracker Unit, PVC/VCM, Robotics Ware House Bagging
Life sciences: Bioreactors, Cell retention System, Smart Mixer, iVI, FTP (IIOT Projects 4.0)
Core Competencies
Project & Program Management Project Management Lifecycle (Agile & Waterfall), P&L and Financial Management, Risk & Change Management, Stakeholder engagement, Resource & Vendor Management, Scrum, Kanban & Scaled-Agile Implementation, Program Strategy, Benefit analysis, DevOps & CI/CD pipelining, SDLC
Product Management Ideation & Product Road mapping, Feature Analysis & Concept Testing, Feature Prioritization & Estimation, A/B testing, Agile Development, PM Framework
Business Analytics Data Analytics, Business Intelligence & Visualization, Benefit Analysis & Benchmarking, Dynamic Dashboarding & Reporting
Data Engineering Data Architecture, Integration, Data Science & Statistical Methods for Predictive Analytics Lifecycle, Data preparation, EDA and Feature Engineering.
System Design/Engineering Industry 4.0 solutions, IOT/IIOT, Manufacturing Execution System (MES) Solutions, Digital Twin, System & Solution Architecture based on .Net / Java/Spring Boot / Python, Node.js/ React.Js in integration with Automation & Control Systems Design for DCS/PLC/Turbine Controls/ESD/F&G having security enabled based on ISA 95/IEC 62443
Strategy & Vision Introduction of OOPS in PLC Programming, Version control using GIT for PLC, EMF modelling framework to integrate IT & OT, Utilizing Simulink Model for Unified code for different PLC.
Quality Management Value Stream Mapping, Lean, Kaizen, Six Sigma & Process Improvement
OIL & GAS: Turbines, Compressor, Warehouse Automation, Refrigeration/Chiller Unit, Burner Management System, Plant Automation, AHU, HVAC
Manufacturing/Commissioning: EO/EG , Gas Cracker Unit, PVC/VCM, Ware House Bagging
Life sciences: Bioreactors, Cell retention System, Smart Mixer (IIOT Projects)

Codesys, Wago, Siemens S7 , S5, PCS7
Rockwell : Rslogix5, SLC 500, Studio 5000,
Schneider, Omron & G.E Fanuc
Cimplicity, iFIX
Wonderware System Platform OMI & Intouch
Citect , RS-View & WinCC
ValVue3, Emerson AMS
OPC, Ethernet /IP, Profinet, Modbus, Profibus, DNP, HART, I2C, EGD, Foundation Fieldbus
GE: Mark VI-e/VI-eS/ Mark-VI/Mark-V
Triconex, ABB August ,HIMA, Detronics
CCC :Series 3++ ,Series4 , Series 5 & Prodigy
DCS & Monitoring
Honeywell TDC3000
Provox Delta V
Yokogawa Centum CS, Bentley Nevada
Instrumentation & Design
Commissioning, Procurement, Maintenance, Loop Diagram, Cable scheduling, Hookup Drawing, Control & Electrical Schematic, Instruments Data sheet, Communication Data, P&ID & SAMA, HZOP, SIS & SIL, Antisurge, Master & Load Control, ISA standards
Presently Working with Merck life Science as System Architect/Product owner in S&A R&D for Merck IOT Products from October 2020
Currently Working at Merck life Science as Systems Architect/TPM in S&A R&D for Merck IOT/IIOT Industry 4.0 NPI Products from OCT 2020
Working in AGILE methodology from Project Initiation to Project Closure by managing multiple large, complex technology initiatives based on Industry4.0 Digital Product portfolio, significant improvements by working with Multiple Cross Art Scrum Teams for all development of Products in line with 21CFRPart 11, cGMP, GAMP & ISA standards (s88, s95, s18.2, s51, s5.1)
Liasion between Product Management, Marketing, Business Team & Customer to collect requirements and incorporating in projects using JIRA, Confluence as Program Outline, Features, Technical specification to make it available for Scrum team
Designing the IT(JAVA,.Net,React) and OT (PLC,Python & SCADA) architecture i.e. Network, Platform, Hardware & Application(Trends,Analytics,Reporting,UserManagement), CI/CD (Jenkins) for the product based on microservices in line with ISA99, ISA100, ISA101,IEC62443, ISA95
Design & Developed the WEB Based HMI for the industrial product
Handling multiple projects which requires partnering with technical managers to secure resources, doing design reviews, scope engineering efforts, set project priorities, milestones, and drive delivery.
Planning task, defining timeline for program and preparing risk Matrix iteration wise.
Product Structuring ,Preparing BOM for the procurement of the equipment’s required for the project and help team in building the prototype and final product.
Automated Jira and Bitbucket for creating status reports and task matrix for each project using .Net and Python
iOT Projects
Designed and Developed hardware simulation using Raspberry pi which allowed to use single set of hardware to be connected with multiple PLC without manual intervention
Home Automation using Arduino / ESP8266 & Raspberry pi using IFTTT, Blynk and Adafruit IO compatible with Alexa and Google assistant
Design and Developed IoT switch board, household gas burner control, Smart Water irrigation system
using ESP8266 and NodeMCU
Design and Developed IoT based industrial controller to control Smart Mixer remotely using Raspberry pi and Wago PL
Worked at UST Global from March 2019 to October 2020 on IIOT project for Merck Life Science as System Architect.
Worked at Compressor Control Corporation(CCC) from August 2018 to March 2019 in GCC region.
iFat for Antisurge, Load Sharing, Master Controller for ENOC Project Vanguard Control System
Pre Commissioning/Commissioning Activity for GASCO Habshaan unit in Vanguard Control System and Yokogawa DCS for Antisurge/Master Controller/Load Sharing
Adept in doing all the Calculation for Flow Measuring Device(FMD), and Designing and Calculating Surge Limit Line(SLL) from Compressor Map and Plotting actual surge line during Compressor Surge test.
Developed Application in C#.Net to Calculate FMD,SLL,SCL, different Configuration parameter for different CCC controllers in Offline and Online mode.
Developed OPC Client Application to do automatic testing of Software and also do Data synthesis.
Worked on Series3(3+ & 3++),Series5(Vanguard & Reliant),Series4 & Prodigy Control system of CCC
Pre Commissioning/Commissioning & Surge Test of Mac Bac Siemens Compressor & Syngas Compressor at Reliance Jamnagar.
Worked at G.E Energy OIL & GAS,Flow & Process Technology & Vetco Gray Subsea Control from June 2011 to July 2018
G.E Energy OIL & GAS
Worked in Standardization of Functional Logic Diagram for STEAM TURBINE and Electric Motor driven Compressor
Developed the standard Logic for the Auxiliary system i.e. Lube Oil system, Jacking Oil, Turning gear , Condensate System ,Lube Oil Cooler system Sequences of Steam turbine System
Trip valve Sequence, Drain Valve Sequence etc.
Standard Functional Logic Diagram Preparation for all the Logic
Worked on the Core control Logic Development and Testing of Antisurge Control System, Master Control, Load Control, Governor System
Standardization of Tags to be used for Project in PLC and HMI side
Simulation and Testing of Control software
Preparation of Cause and Effect Diagram/Functional Description
Building I/O list /Wiring Diagram/JB Schedule/Load List/Instruments & Control System Selection & BOM Preparation
Carrying out HAZOP/SIL loop preparation
Making the Document for checking of Ex-I Loops
Wiring and ISA loop drawing preparation.
UCS layout preparation
I4C(GE Antisurge ,Master & Load Controller) Logic Development for GEIP PLC
Opticomp(GE Antisurge ,Master & Load Controller) Work Instruction and Software development.
FAT for different Configuration of Machine with Different Customer
Developed WorkInstruction and Design Document for Foundation fieldbus/Profinet /HMI/SCADA and PLC
Knowledge of Historian OSI PI server
GAS Turbine Software Control
Worked on the Preparation of Control Software for PGT25/Frame/EMCC machine in Mark VI-e System with Mark VI-eS Safety System and Cimplicity HMI
Preparing the IO Base Rack Assignment
Development of Control Software for machine
Preparation of HMI Document
Modbus/OPC Serial Communication List
Purchase Specification document
Power supply schematic
Control System Schematic
BOM assignment
MK V System Upgrade to MK Ve
MK-V HMI upgrade From IDOS to Cimplicity 8.2 on WIN 7
ProjectsWorked:APLNG(Australia),MALVINAS(Peru),ZADCO(ZadcoIsland), PTT(Thailand),CHAMBAL(India),EEP(Egypt),LIBRA,RAMAGUNDAM(India),OURHOUD(Algeria),VCNG(Russia),QASSIM(SaudiArabia), EMAL(Dubai),NASAR(SaudiArabia),WASBENGOA(Saudi Arabia)
SVI NEXGEN Control Valve NPI (.Net & Labview)
Worked on SVI NexGen Control Valve NPI project in Randolph, MA, USA
Gathering business requirement from product management team and all stake holders preparing technical specification for Embedded electronics board required for Control valve positioner.
Heading all the requirement from vendor in India for the testing of electronics board and maintaining use cases based and alignment with business requirement.
Developed Manufacturing Testing Environment in LabView and .Net Application for Vendors to test different electronics boards of Valve Positioner using HART and I2C protocol for communication, Downloading Firmware, Gathering different parameters from electronics board.
Performed code reviews for HART protocol and valve DTM product and developed HART Communication DTM in C#.Net
Test different operation of Electronics board for Control Valve Diagnostics Application and work in parallel with firmware development team to automate firmware tests.
Vetco Gray Subsea Control
Worked on the MCS Control System for NEX GEN MCS Project AT Nailsea ,Bristol (United Kingdom), Making of Functional Design Specification for control, Documenting the Test Procedure for different Logic, Testing of Logic as per the Test Procedure
Logic Development for different module EPCM , SCM ,CAN Bus Connectivity with SCM ,Shutdown Sequence, Acoustic Sand Detector , Intrusive Sand Detector Logic in RSLogix software with Intouch Scada, Developing Functional Logic Diagram in Microsoft Visio
Site Commissioning and Startup Activities
Carried out the startup and commissioning of PTT SaiYok plant in Thailand
Activities Performed are below
I4C is GE developed Antisurge & Master & Load Sharing Controller
1.I4C Antisurge Controller
Surge Test
Verification of compressor surge safety correction and protection.
Demonstrations of compressor surge limit approach and safety operation.
Demonstration of Antisurge valve behavior at Compressor Minimum flow
2.I4C Load Controller
Load Controller Test was carried out how compressor behave in Manual and Auto mode , and communication between DCS and PLC was established for viewing the mode of operation
3.I4C Load Sharing Test
Load sharing test was conducted for different configuration for 3Gas Turbine and 1 Electric Motor Compressor Unit
Communicaton establishment between Excitation Panel ,VFD ,PLC & DCS
Expander & Compressor
Worked on the Preparation of Control Software for TurboExpander & Compressor machine in different PLC platform and Cimplicity HMI
Carried out FAT for the Job
LIBRA Gas Turbine and Generator
Carried out Gas turbine Generator project first of it’s kind where control loops where on foundation field bus. Control loops of Auxiliary system and some of Gas turbine Fuel system loops were communicating over Foundation Field Bus, Configuration of Foundation field bus devices, Configuration of Electrical load for each loop
WAS Abengoa EMCC Project
First Job with all control loop in RSTi-EP Profinet module communication & All 5 machines will follow special control algorithm of Auto Start/Stop sequence based on priority selection in
feed-forward control loop philosophy without any manual intervention. Machine will decide on it’s own Start and Stop sequence of respective machine
Software Lifecycle Platform(SLP) (Technology : .Net , Java Script & MongoDB ,No SQL )
SLP is software platform which automates the Process of Project assignment to Software development & live update of each Project status at each step.
SLP leads to the automation 60% of total steps required to complete the software development
of Control System design project.
Lead the Team of Development of Software Lifecycle Platform
Finalizing the Vendor based on Technical & Financial aspect & Analyzing the Techno Commercial Proposal Provided by the Vendor and amending as per requirement of company
Coordinating between Leadership, Engineering and Vendor in order to make requirement clear and smooth execution of project
Carrying out review of sprint provided by vendor and Making required changes in Project Sprint as per Requirement
Leading the Designing, Architecture & Infrastructure requirement for the Software & Reviewing the software and coding Practices
Aligning the Process map of three different Engineering teams in order to Automate Process
Maintaining Reports for Project status, MOM and Resource assignment.
During Finalization of Techno Commercial Proposal saved an amount of 30lakh by utilizing tools developed in-house by coordinating different teams
After Completion of SLP expecting a smooth and Singular behavior of Project Execution in Team and also It will reduce manual effort by 250hrs per Project i.e. a Saving of 17500 euro per Project PLC Automation Software in .Net Platform
Developed a Automation Software for PLC& SCADA which Automatically Create Logic, Signals, HMI Screens and also Convert Logic from one platform to another & Automated Cross functional PLC Logic Validation & Testing
Automated Revision Control for IO Assignment ,HMI Screens Tag Configuration Using SQL Server
Automatic Configuration & Testing of HMI (IO Loop Test)
Automated Process to Test and Correct PLC Software & HMI according to Input Document.
Automatic PLC Code Development from Input Document ,Hardware Assignment & Configuration for different PLC Platform(MKvie, GE Fanuc, Allen Bradley, Triconex)
Automatic Creation of Communication Document
Developed WEB HMI to show all the data in web based application hosted in Predix which can be accessed from anywhere over web (Java,JSP , My SQL, .Net OPC Client with direct connect with MK-VIe PLC to fetch data )
Deployed a Web Application in GE Predix Created in Java & JSP for the Comparison of Excel Documents and Publishing Changes
Compare Different Excel File having Same Schema and publishing Changes
Compare Excel File based on the criteria Selected by User and Publishing result based on User Selected Criteria
Development of Simulation and Logic Block in Simulink Environment
Conversion of Simulink Code for Different PLC Environment
Simulating PLC logic using Simulink Model using OPC communication.
HMI and Logic Development for Testing In LabView & ADR Setup
Develop logic and GUI in LabView.
Using .Net API and DLL in LabView environment.
Communicating PLC with LabView over OPC and Modbus communication protocol
Arduino communication, Logic development and operation using LabView.
September ’07 till 20th May Reliance Industries Limited as Manager
Worked in the project of Reliance Industries Ltd. And O.N.G.C Ethane Pipe line and Ethane Fractionating Column commissioning in Gas Cracker UnitLoop configuration in Yokogawa Centum CS DCS, Loop checking , calibration and testing of instruments , logic modification in DCS
Worked in the project of EO(Ethylene Oxide) plant CommissioningLoop configuration in Honeywell TDC 3000 DCS & Allen Bradley PLC, Loop checking , calibration, Testing and Installation of instruments , logic Implementation in DCS & PLC
Up gradation Project of ABB august PLC to Triconex PLC
Up gradation of BN-3300 to BN-3500
Solely Handled the Modification of Robotics and warehouse management control system in Bagging Area of PVC plant.In this job I have done the PLC programming in SIEMENS S7-300 &.done all the input output listing and Interlocks Philosophy keeping the Safety in Priority.
Done the MOC (Management of change) in Bagging area of HDPE plant
In this I have changed the Wieland plc Module to Siemens S7-300 and done the software and hardware configuration.
Worked in the Project of REFRIGERATION UNIT commissioning
Done the Commissioning of 40 tone VCR unit in EOEG plant
Done the Commissioning of 700 tone VAR unit in PVC plant
Done the Commissioning of De-super heater line for Dryer in PVC Plant
Installation of Forbes-Marshal PRDS valve
Loop check & Configuration in DCS
Logic implementation in DCS
Having shutdown Experience of MONO ETHYLENE GLYCOL Plant, POLY VINYL CHLORIDE PLANT and VCM plant,Gas Cracker Unit.
Work done in Projects
Selection of BN Module and cards
Planning of Job in MS project
Selection of Field Instruments & Isolators, Barriers Taking care of Hazardous Zone Classification, IP protection class as per Different Standards
Preparation of Loop Drawing for all the Instrument Loop from Field to Control Panel
Cable and JB Scheduling for the Instrument Loop
Preparation and Testing of Trip and Interlock Philosophy of all the Loops
Configuration and Development of Logic in PLC
Calibration of Instrument
Hydro-testing of all the Instrument Tubing
Maintenance Experience
Ethylene Glycol and Ethylene Oxid/Gas Cracker Unit /VCM/PVC/ETP/OSBL PLANT:
Carryout Preventive and Corrective maintenance of all field instruments.(Calibrationcheck,ZeroTrim,Sensortrim,Reranging,Cleaning of ports, Damping, LRV,URV, Soap-bubble test, TemperatureMonitoring of Solenoid valve, Gauge replacement, Tubing fitting, cable gland, cabling, LEL sensor calibration, Rain protection using canopies & aluminum foil, etc..)
Hydraulic test of Piping and Control Valve, Leak Test, Overhauling of Trim, Seat, Cage, Lapping of Seats, Gland leak test and Fitting Gland packing, Positioner Calibration, AFR check, Diaphragm leak test, Lift Adjustment, Flange Gasket replacement, Check Flow direction, Limit Switch adjustment, SOV connections for On –Off valves etc..
Calibration of Instrument using HART(275,375,475), Dead Weight Tester,DPI-610,Fluke 4-20ma calibrator, MTL Software.
Carried out Flow Study of entire plant using Ultrasonic Flow meter.
Carried out Safety loop study and documentation of GCU plant.
Carried out entire plant Control valve study and documentation for all configuration to update in SAP and prepare IMS & PSM documentation
Prepare SMP for the Instruments.
Carry out Tool-Box talk with all Technician and Fitter & maintaining Log book, Overtime record, Daily Rack Meeting.
Carry out LLF (Look Listen Feel)
Follow Lockout Tag-out and Work-Permit procedure & PSM Elements.
Maintenance of TATA HONEYWELL DCS TDC 3000 in VCM/EOEG Plant.
Carryout maintenance of Allen Bradley, Honeywell PLC, SCADA(RS View) and Panels PROVOX ROSEMOUNT DCS in PVC Plant.YOKOGAWA CENTUM CS3000 DCS in GCU Plant.
Carryout maintenance of Allen Bradley, ABB, Triconex PLC, SCADA(Intouch,WINCC) and DCS & PLC Panels, PSA Unit, BFW Pump ,Steam Turbine, Turbo Expander, Centrifugal compressor in GCU Plant.
Carryout maintenance of BN 3300 and 3500 vibration unit and sensors check ,calibration and Alignment using TK3Wobulator.
Carried out successful online adjustment of Speed sensor of Steam turbine which was not reading speed.
Responsible for all shift jobs related to DCS/PLC and field instrument in VCM/PVC/GCU/EOEG/ETP Plant.
Troubleshooting related to PVC/HDPE Bagging (OMRON AND SIEMENS PLC)
Manpower and optimum inventory management.
Synchronizing with other departments for implementation of Field Change Order(FCO) and FAR(Failure Analysis Report)
Adept in SAP for Maintaining Orders, Purchase Requisition, BOM updation, Service Entry, Notification, FIR & FAR.
Looking after safety aspects of all jobs carriedout. Undergone process training in EOEG/VCM/PVC/GCU plant which included
Study of process, PFD study P&ID study, Distillation column controls, start up and shutdown procedure, Interlock study.
Two months training in Mechanical department of EOEG Plant which included study of Pumps, Compressors, Heat Exchangers, Vessels.
Two months training in Electrical department of EOEG plant which included overview of Power Distribution in Gandhar Complex and Single Line Diagram of EOEG Plant.
Degree Details: 2007 - B.E. (Instrumentation & Control)
College: R.K.D.F Institute of Science and Technology, BHOPAL
Percentage Marks-79.1% (Honor’s Degree)
Awarded the best trainee and “Excellent Performer Of The Year-2009” in the FOPE training program at RIL-DMD
Awarded the “Exemplary Award” for the Modification of Robotics in PVC Bagging area in 2009 at RIL
Awarded the “Exemplary Award” for the Real Time Dryer Logic Implementation at PVC DVOP DCS in 2010 at RIL
Awarded for “Customer value Excellence” for PTT Saiyok Thailand
Awarded for “Customer value Excellence” for Malvinas Peru
Awarded for “Productivity of the Year” for SLP and Automation Platform for PLC and HMI
Foundation of Leadership Training Certificate from GE
Got Distinguished Award in Quality Circle presentation at State level in Gujarat 2009
Got Distinguished Award in Quality Circle presentation at National level Bangalore chapter 2009
Letter of Appreciation from APLNG Customer.
Swagelock Certified training for fittings
Bentley Nevada Certification for MCMS
12 Kaizen Award for Automation Tools in .Net for PLC
Winner in Instrumental competition at inter college level
Won first prize in ad-mag contest
Won second prize in Instrumental competition at state level.
Winner in Badminton championship at District level.
Done senior diploma in MUSIC from Prayag University
Participated in National level Mathematics Olympiad
Playing different Musical instruments,
Playing Badminton
Making Friends.